We didn't close the cottage this year; the previous owner did. I find myself wondering a bunch of "what ifs...". "What if the power was left on". "What if the front door wasn't closed properly." "What if any liquids were left in the cupboards that will freeze?" etc. etc. I'm also hoping the roof is well built, as there's no way we can get out there to remove snow part way through the winter. Eric thinks we could get out this winter (ski across the lake maybe? It's not *that* far from the landing <---of course it won't seem like that when we're trying to ski the distance!) but the former lifeguard in me gets all heebiejeebie when I think of venturing out on a frozen lake. I've seen the stats. I know how disorienting it is when you fall through and how hard it is to find the original opening in the ice once you've gone under. Nevermind the instant effects of hypothermia when you're stranded out in the middle of nowhere. I don't know. Seems like a big risk. Make I'm a bit too yellow-bellied to attempt it.
Spring can't come fast enough this year!
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