Saturday, January 23, 2010

Fridge and shopping

The Captain o'cheap picked up the free fridge last night with the help of our ever-helpful friend Drew. I think we're teetering on the brink of being labelled "soul-sucking moochers" by him and Nicole though.

Turns out the fridge is in better condition than I had feared. The lady who was getting rid of it got a newer fridge from her parents as they had just upgraded their own fridge. It's a darned-sight better than what we had. Don't believe me? Here, check this out:
Ya, ok.. I probably didn't need to make a little scrapbook page for ugly fridge comparisons, but it was an easy way to present the side by side photos, and the paper is just cute. SUE ME. (Shabby Princess paper). As always, click to view close up.

Seriously. It was FREE. Shop around, you can't beat that kinda price. Currently we're storing the fridge in the garage. The captain says to me, "I'd still like to plug it in to make sure that it works." To which I responded "It's -2 out. How will you know if it's working? When it warms up the air to +4?"

In addition to scoring us a sweeter, newer fridge (I guess we need to start thinking about acquiring a white range, too, hmmm) we went to Lowe's today and bought the place out.

We picked up:
-masking tape
-tile edging
-mortar trowel
-tile spacers
-pressure tank
-work gloves
-utility knives
-deck screws
-shop towels
-smoke alarms
-floor scraper

Oh, and a jug of spit, but that's not for the cottage.

It looks a little something... like this:

Still to get:
-cement backerboard (it was too big/heavy to acquire this trip)
-tape for said board
-tile nippers (the ones at Lowe's were pricier than what I've seen at the Despot
-I guess more tiles for the shower floor since we opted not to get the moulded floor.

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