Friday, February 5, 2010

Leggo my Eggo!

Yep, I'm waffling.

I'm starting to think again that maybe we could still get out to the cottage in winter. It's all a question of ice quality and ice thickness.

If the ice is clear (not white ice, or "snow" ice), you can take a medium truck out on ice that's 12" - 15" thick. Double that if it's white ice. Bet you didn't know that.

They (in this case the Minnesota DNR) also recommend parking vehicles that weigh a ton (2000 lbs) at least 50 feet apart and moving them every two hours, or else this happens:
*SNORT*  Those yutzes!
I'm a terrible person for finding their predicament so amusing, but dangit, that's funny! At the same time it sends a little shiver of terror down my spine imagining my CRV sunk up to the door handles in the lake. [resumes biting her nails]

Call me quirky ("quirky!"), but I'm willing to bet the insurance company frowns upon claims for vehicles in lakes.

Terror aside, if I know how much the truck weighs and I know how thick the ice is around the island, I can make an informed decision about heading out. I think a walking foray with a power drill, a long wood auger bit, and a tape measure (and maybe some PFDs and some rope) might be in order to see what the conditions are like around the island.  It's about half a kilometer (1600 ft) walk across the ice to the tip of the island. Probably a grand total of 2 km to walk to the cottage from shore.

The weather appears to be remaining below zero until the Family Day weekend, so that will help with the ice situation.
(thank you, weather network)
The cause of my indecision is that I keep hearing reports of vehicles driving around the Island, and it would just be so gosh-darned handy to move some big items out there when they don't have to arrive by boat!
Plus, I'm keen to get out there to see what was left for us, so I have a better idea what I need to be scrounging for now.
*waffle waffle*

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