Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Biodegradable goodies

Last night I went shopping to stock up on some biodegradable cleaning products. Because the cottage is not on septic, most of the grey water flows into some sort of weeping system. (I think. It's been a while since I stared at the bottom of the cottage. I know there are black PVC drain pipes that do not go to the composting sheeter holding tank. Unfortunately, I don't remember where they DO go, nor can I find a decent photo that shows me. )

Assuming that the grey water just goes into the ground and leeches out into the lake eventually, I want to minimize the chemicals and other nastiness flowing from the Lodge. With a bit of digging, you can find all kinds of biodegradable products at your local Walmart. In some cases I even had a choice among different brands!

Here's what $35 bucks will get you:
 Clockwise from top left we have:
- dish soap
- kitchen and bath cleaner
- window cleaner
- laundry detergent
- dishwasher detergent tablets
- conditioner
- goat soap (for cleaning your goat! Duh.)
- shampoo
- body wash

The hardest thing to find was the shampoo/conditioner/body wash. I had all but given up on finding it after scouring the aisle when I stumbled across it on the way out, hidden in a corner with the MANLY soap products [insert manly flex here]. There was only one brand, but there were a few options within that brand (3 kinds of shampoo: volumizing, moisturizing, or 2-in-1, that sort of thing). The cleaning products were much easier to locate, and there were generally three or more brands to choose from.

The real test will be seeing how well they work. Saving the environment's not going to do you much good if your goat's not clean.

Here are some websites for the companies shown above:
Live Clean
The Green Line (Walmart house brand)


  1. Is that the goat that is going to keep the grass 'cut'??
