Tuesday, March 2, 2010

So about those bunkbeds

I have grand plans of building my own bunk beds. I've found the dream plans for it: straight cuts, basic timber, how hard could it be?

I went to Lowes on the weekend to price out the lumber. Gah. My lovely, money-saving bunk beds are going to run me $320+!! It's all because the design uses 1x? timber. The schmancy wood costs easily four times as much as the construction-grade stuff. This does not save me money.
Excuse me while I sit here and pout for a few minutes.



Now that I've gotten that out of my system, I have a few possible bed schemes to share with you.

Scheme number one [rubs hands together scheme-ily]:


Bor-ing. I know. But it's a very affordable scheme. $150+tax will get me a pine bunk bed with slats. Not glam, but very functional (and paintable). Comes with a hot dog for $0.50 more. Hot dogs can make or break the decision for Captain Cheapiepants, who is nearly as ravenous as he is cheap.

Scheme number two [more scheme-y hand rubbing]:
Build my own bed out of 2x3, 2x4, and 2x6 construction-grade boards, essentially the same design as the IKEA bed, and buy the bed slats from IKEA for $21. Will run me about $90 before taxes, including the slats. Does not have an optional hot dog.

Of course a trip to IKEA for a $150 bunk bed, or even just for $21 slats will end up costing me at least $500 because I can not leave that place without dropping a boatload of cash. "Swedish for Common Sense" my ass.

So here's the question I'm asking myself:
"Is $60 worth the time it's going to take me to measure, cut, and drill the wood, because either way I'm going to be painting and assembling the bed m'self."

I'm leaning towards "yes!", because I really like to make sawdust.

What would you do?

1 comment:

  1. Scheme number three. Same as #1 but without the hot dog. Have me pick it up on the way home from work one day. It just may save you a marriage, or at least a couple of splinters.

    Alternatively, #2 is also ok if you are willing to donate any half-built beds to the campfire donation. But please don't use pressure treated - that stuff sucks when burning.
