Thursday, October 21, 2010

The final day

This past weekend, the Captain, Handy Dad, and the red-head took one more trip out to the lodge to remove the final section of dock, close the curtain I left open (whoops), and take the boat out of the water. The princess and I were stuck at home for hours of dance practices (as we will be until May, sharp.)

First, they got That Damned Boat ™ out of the water and onto the boat trailer. (No photos. This is what happens when you leave the Captain in charge. No photos!)
Then, they took the pontoon over to the island and they loaded it up with all manner of crap intended for the dump or return to the Despot. Good bye, crap!

Next, they docked over at our nice neighbours' place, The Doug Store, so that they could remove the final bits of our dock.

Then they ate some hot soup. It was chilly.

Lastly, they set off for shore where they took a load to the dump (good bye, crap!), took some returns to the Despot (haha evil despot! Give me back some of my money!!) and ultimate brought That Damned Boat ™ back home.

*sniff* buh-bye lodge!

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