What do I have for you today.... How about some photos from another family visit at the cottage!
This time it's from the Captain's side of the family. His sister, Dad, and Aunt Mary (technically the captain's first cousin, once removed - but she's always been "awnt" Mary) came to stay.
The Captain's dad wanted some group photos, but we couldn't agree on the location, so we took several. Mary struggles with the stairs to the dock, so the first few are without her.
Which one do you like better?
This one was less successful. Depth of field tripped me up. I was too lazy to swap lenses.
Then we headed up and took some with her included.
What a handsome group!
Mary taught the kids the importance of wearing your cherries on your ears. (Mmmm.. Rainier cherries. If you've never tried these, you must! They are the sweetest cherries. Mmm.)
I love Mary's joie de vivre.
It's not for everyone.
The captain's sister bought a new slalom waterski to bring with her to the cottage.
The captain dragged her around the lake behind the boat until we realized the boat couldn't pull her out of the water on one ski. Maybe if we fall into $8,000 we'll buy a more powerful motor. Not today, however.
Once we started her on two skis, she popped right up, dropped the extra ski, and went tearing around the lake.
Back and forth, and forth and back. I think she would've kept going if we had more gas!
We left the cottage in a flurry on Sunday evening as a nasty storm approached. Eeee... run!
Thanks again for a great weekend!