Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Earth Ground is still for wimps!

Oh, for the love of...

Can someone explain this to me, please!? This is what we found when we removed the hallway light fixture to paint the walls.

How does this wiring make any sense at all? What would prompt someone to say to themselves:

"Ya, the wiring in the octagon box is long enough to be fastened to the wires of the fixture, but you know what? If I add these 4-in. sections of wire to each feed quick and dirty like, the connections will be that much better!"

Why this building has not burnt to the ground from all the dodgey wiring is a mystery for the ages. If you ever see someone joining two wires with a quickie U-loop in each (pipe-cleaners excepted), give them a sharp cuff in the back of the head for me, will you?


Shortly after witnessing this marvel of electrical half-assedness, we were treated to a spectacular display of sparks from the baseboard heater in the master bedroom. Turns out the ground wire was touching the other wires, causing everything to arc. *facepalm*.

It's fixed now, of course, but I can't shake the feeling that I ought to be pulling out every light fixture, switch, and electrical outlet in the place to check for other acts of stupidity.

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