Saturday, September 10, 2011


The Captain put "cucumber salad" on the menu at the cottage last weekend.

I've been dying to use this photo
Captain, how could you? What have you got against our little green friends that we've been coddling and nurturing these past few months?

The Captain is a hungry beast.

I sent him off into the wilds with a paring knife to hunt for a suitable cucumber for dinner. It was something I couldn't bear to watch.

In the end, he selected this fine specimen.  It probably would've been happier if we'd let it grow a while longer, but it didn't get a say in the matter because, well, it's a cucumber. The recipe called for 3 medium cucumbers. We had one piddly cucumber. I scaled down the salad recipe accordingly.

I would've used a mandolin to slice it up really fine, but I don't have one at the cottage. I DO have a "Mouli" that came with the cottage. It's like a Moulinex, but without the electricity. Why "nex" = "electricity" I can't say.

I figured I'd give it a spin [knee slap!].

It didn't cut very well. The cucumber came out looking masticated. Mangled, yet tasty.

Giving up on the Mouli, I switched to a sharp knife and finished the cutting.

Then I chopped up a few sprigs of dill.
Added some salt (oooo blurry. I wasn't using the display on the camera to preview my shots because my battery was dying)

And "salad oil" - as you can see I used olive oil because that's all I had at the cottage

Then I stirred it all together with a measuring spoon because I'm the one who has to wash dishes at the cottage. The End.

I didn't get a decent "serving" picture for two reasons:
#1: my camera battery died and I forgot my charger at home.
#2: The salad got hoovered by the family so quickly that there wasn't much to photograph!

Here's the recipe I used, if you're interested. I'm looking forward to hunting more cucumbers again really soon!


  1. Corrie, stop with your blatant braggery in you shirtless captain photo! What about those of us without a hatted, hairy husband? Sheesh.
    xo Coley

  2. Heeheehee! I can see it makes you want one of your very own.
