Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What would you do?

I went out to the bunky with a tape measure this weekend.  I wanted to plug the dimensions into my handy-dandy floorplan software and do some scheming about which direction to take the bunky.

My initial plan is to essentially turn it into a dorm with maximum sleeping capacity (think room for 6). I'm giving some serious thought to including a self-contained composting toilet (I know, I know, you would think we'd have learned our lesson by now. I firmly believe that if we had a NEW unit, and maintained it properly, everything would be ducky. Plus, it would only see occasional use, as we don't have guests up very often. When we do have guests, it strains our already wheezing poo hole so the "overflow" toilet would help.) I also have a small stainless bars sink to incorporate for hand washing  (the water still wouldn't be potable in there).

So, now that you know my requirements, what would you do?

Here's the bunky design as it stands right now:

The main entrance is on the lower right. You enter into an 11x9' room (ish) with two windows. At the top left is the toilet-to-nowhere (yes, it's a flushing-with-water toilet, but we have no idea where it goes as there's no septic on the lot. *shudder*) and at the top right is the icky mouldy sauna (definitely will be ripped out. It gives me the heebies.)

And..... go! (seriously - i'm interested in what you come up with)

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