Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Earthworm Jim

Today's post has absolutely nothing to do with cottages.

The. End.

It has everything to do with an extremely silly video game from 1994 that I had utterly and completely forgotten existed until I was trolling for a game to download to my SHINY new phone for the red-head as a reward for getting a perfect score on his science test.

Woo. That was a seriously convoluted sentence. I'm just going to rest here a minute.


O.k. I'm good.

The game is called Earthworm Jim. The plot, in a seriously convoluted nutshell, is that a super suit (invented by, who else, a nefarious super genius) falls to the earth and Jim, a lowly earthworm, happens to find his way into the suit. Through the magic of science, Jim morphs into a blaster-toting super hero out to save someone from... something. It was 1994 for pete's sake. I've forgotten more significant things in that time than the plot to a video game. Like, for instance, where I put my cell phone.

This game is BENT. In the open screen, you use yourself as whip, launch a cow, get chewed on by a rabid junkyard dogs, get attacked by a tuba-dropping anvil-shooting motorized trash can, and blast your way through attack crows. If you stand still long enough, you scratch your butt.

Heehee! It's right up the red head's alley. Seriously, stupid silly stuff. I'm not sure he's going to get much screen time with this one; he's going to have to fight me for it.

Earthworm Jim and Earthworm Jim 2 are both available as downloads from the Wii store. If your Wii isn't busted. Like mine is. If you're lucky you can put it on your phone and never notice the outside world ever again.

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