Saturday, April 7, 2012

The eagle had landed!! (2012)

The captain headed off to the marina today to put the boat into the water while the princess, the wee lad, and I camped out at the dance studio during the princess's dance classes. This is the boat outside the studio.

For now, he's putting his boat in the "old" spot, until we figure out if we're going to be moving. The good news is that he remembered to put the plug into the boat, so it didn't sink to the mucky bottom when they launched. This is a good thing. I am pleased. Halloo Handy Dad!

They started the boat right away (they report there was a little difficulty the second time, but nothing that wasn't fixed by tightening down the connections on the battery) and Handy Dad suggested they head over to the cottage to put in a dock. That wasn't in today's plans, but why not!

They crossed the lake without incident, docked temporarily at the neighbour's, and got to work installing one of the docks.

The captain managed to snap a few photos of the property and interior, enough to put my mind at ease that the place is still standing and with no major damage.

He also showed me that the bulbs I planted in the fall are starting to sprout. That's so exciting!!

With a dock in, I'm really starting to think about when we can get back to the cottage for a stay. Darned dance is in the way!! I'm always so conflicted at this time of year.

I guess I need to start thinking about how to reconfigure the inside of the junkybunky, too. So much to do....

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