Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Is your name Clark?

If it is, then you are Good People. At first I suspected it was genetic, but it would appear that Clark-by-association also yields Good People.

Since the ice-road expedition was a success, Eric drove out on Sunday in the CR-V with a load of stuff (1000 lbs of flooring). As he was driving across the lake he spotted one of our kitchen cupboard doors that fell off his sled a week earlier, just sitting there on the ice. [facepalm] At least he found it.

On Sunday afternoon (yes, Valentines day) he kidnapped Drew and went to Drew's parents' place to borrow their big trailer. They're Clarks. They're Good People. They gave us a TV too. Drew's wife is also Good People for letting us steal him both on Valentines Day and the following Monday, which was Family Day. We owe them BIG.

In addition to Family Day, Monday was also Moving Day - or at least, one of many moving days as we slowly transport stuff to the cottage. Eric and Drew managed to transport a LOT of heavy stuff. The concrete backer board, the "new" fridge, a sofa, a chair, a T.V. two dressers, a kitchen table, and the shower supplies. They came back with two nasty fridges, two nasty sofas (each of which had a lovely cache of nuts stowed inside *boggle*), an old kitchen table... and other heavy, dirty junk like old TVs, etc. Certainly they came back with a few aches, pains, and battle scars.

Now we need to co-ordinate a big junk pick-up with the town to get all that icky junk out of my somewhat cleaner garage. Which Drew helped to tidy. Because he's Good People.

Here's a photo-journal of their day (click to enlarge):

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