Friday, February 11, 2011

Counter clockwise

Why is it that the hands on the clock move counter clockwise during winter? February is interminable!

I know we've got three weeks until dance showcase (our dress rehearsal in the theatre). And after that, competition starts three weeks later, and then we're pretty much running every weekend to another competition until the first weekend of May at which point, it's COTTAGE SEASON! WOO!.

So I just need to get through these first three-week increments and everything will be fine *she says, sitting in a corner rocking back and forth*.

In the meantime, here's a picture of the lad's socks at the superbowl party. It's an annual event; every year we attend the same superbowl party, and every year he blows through a pair of socks on the concrete floor in the basement.

Again, we've had plenty of snow.

For the first time in years (maybe since we moved here?) the snow banks are tall enough that they make seeing around corners while driving somewhat challenging.

This week's "theme of the week" for the picture-a-day challenge has been body parts.
It's actually a little tricky to find enough parts to photograph during winter! Everything is covered up by sixteen layers of clothes. I resort to photographing things like freckles.

I got some pretty pre-Valentines "just because it's Wednesday" flowers this week. They're keeping me company in my office. Ahhh. Flowers. Instant pick-me-up.

And lastly, my poor princess. She wiped out running in to the dance studio and slid face-first across the pavement. OUCH. She has a fat lip, and now says:
"I night need a wowwy win!"
(Translated: "I might need a bobby pin")
Poor sweetie. She's suffering. Ice cream seems to be taking some of the edge off. Never discount the medicinal properties of ice cream, I tell you.

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