Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Here's the loo at the cottage. It has a carpeted floor. *shudder* That will be addressed when we replace the flooring throughout the cottage. So. Gross.
The cottage is not on septic. This means we don't have a proper flushing toilet. We have a composting toilet, which, is a glorified outhouse that doesn't stink. The conversation is about to turn excremental, so if you're eating your lunch, you might want to set down that Oh Henry! bar.

From what I've been able to glean from the web, the toilet drains into a holding tank under the cottage. Toilet waste is 90% water, which is heated in the tank and evaporates. There's a big vent stack up the side of the cottage where the "dirty" air exhausts. The uni-directional airflow ensures the stink goes thattaway, instead of into the cottage. What isn't evaporated from the tank is composted into soil. I'm not looking forward to being the first one to have to empty the tank, but I think we might try to tackle that early in the spring to clean it out before it gets used.

It's environmentally better than a sheeter (or "outhouse" for those of you not in the know) because the waste doesn't leach into the surrounding soil and watershed.

Eventually, once the money tree matures, we'll look into having septic installed. That'll cost a fortune though - like $15K or more!

One thing you can't see in the photos is the escape hatch in the bathroom floor! It leads down to the sub-cottage crawlspace containing the holding tank, but should work well when Eric returns home earlier than expected and Raoul has to make a hasty retreat. Ahaha.

*ahem* Moving on, here's the bathroom vanity:
And, here's the sink:
Yes. The sink is green. I'm hoping to score a replacement at the Re-store in Cobourg. For now, it functions and it's not rusting on the bottom, so it can stay for a little bit. Green sink, your days are numbered!

Long before I deal with the green sink, I need to address the issue of the *shudder* shower. See for yourself! I keep imagining Psycho knife-stabbing music when I look at this shower.
It's fairly high up the icky list. I figure we can buy a shower base for about $300 at the Home Despot. If I tile the walls myself (rather than getting an enclosure or plastic insert) and cover the shower door with a curtain, we can probably refurb this puppy fairly inexpensively.  Gahhh... make it stop!


  1. it is so low to the ground... do you have to squat?

  2. I don't remember it being that low. I might've taken the photo at a silly angle. There's no water tank on the back, so it looks squatty (no pun intended).
