Saturday, May 26, 2012

Off Clip-on insect repellant

I don't usually do product reviews here on the blog, but I bought (yet another) bug deterrant, and I wanted to fill you in on what I think about it.

Firstly, my bug issues are:
  1. I am bug chocolate. I'm the person you want to go camping with because you'll never see a single mosquito as they'll all be too busy gnawing on me. In addition to being delicious, I also react strongly to mosquito VENOM (perhaps an exaggeration, but this is my blog, so tough) and I develop massive welts with every bite. I'm talking, they're 2-inches across and scratch-your-eyes-out itchy. Understandably, I avoid mosquitoes.
  2. I don't like coating myself in DEET-laden Deep Woods Off at 9:00 at night so I can go sit by the fire, and then go straight to bed after with that layer of gross all over my skin.
Enter the "Off! Clip-on™". It's a belt-clip mini-fan thinger dinger that - when switched on - blows an invisible fog of mosquito repellant around you. The repellant is inserted cartridge-style inside the fan thinger dinger before you turn it on, and one cartridge is purported to last 11 hours.

So far I've used it for about 2 or 3 hours, and I don't have a single bug bite.

Part of me, the very skeptical part, wonders if this isn't like the rock that wards of tigers ("Do you see any tigers around here? Then it's working!"). Maybe there were no mosquitoes out to bite me.

But if this is really working, I might actually get to enjoy some time at the fire this summer!

I would imagine it's less effective if there's a strong breeze because the "fog" will get blown away, but wind also takes care of clouds of mosquitoes, so that might not be much of an issue. I'm also a tiny bit uneasy about breathing in said "fog", but I would be using it so little, I can't imagine it would be any worse than inhaling the DEET spray as I hose myself down with it.

I'll continue to use it and let you know how it goes.

It cost me about $11+tax and I bought it at Lowes, but I'm sure you'd find it anywhere they sell Off! products. I haven't had to buy a refill cartridge yet, so I'm not sure how much they cost.

Thanks for reading!

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