Saturday, June 18, 2011

Raised gardens?

Have any of you ever built a raised veggie garden? How did that turn out for you?

I've been meaning to build one at the cottage. The princess wants to grow carrots. I wouldn't mind some radishes, beans, swiss chard, tomatoes, or peppers. Having fresh veg right in my own backyard would be darned handy, and tasty to boot!

I'm toying with something like this. Constructed of 2x6 and 4x4 boards. Right now I'm trying to decide what dimensions I should use (is 4'x8' too small?)

I'd line the bottom with some wire mesh before I fill it with soil to keep out burrowing critters (stole this idea from the photo! I likes it). There's also a solution for prohibiting top-side critters, too. Saves me having to think about it!

I'm still wrestling with where to put it though. The lot is somewhat hilly, and I need to find a spot that's:
A: Moderately level
B: In full sun
C: not in the traffic path between cottages
D: still conveniently accessible by hose

The location that's currently winning is on the hill between the firepit and Peaky.

I might even take the opportunity to build a composter at the same time, since it would essentially be a taller, narrower raised garden. And maybe a small back porch for the main cottage. Gah. Lists never stop growing, do they.

It looks like I have a date with a saw. Now to scope out some deals on lumber.

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