Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Motorboat, Motorboat, go so slow...

The wee lad got a really cool present this Christmas from his Nana and his Papa: A remote-controlled motorboat! It's a Racing Boat!! You can tell because of the sticker on the side that says "Racing Boat!!"

It's been sitting down in the cottage closet, awaiting our return to the lake.

He finally had an opportunity to assemble and apply all of the appropriate stickers to the hull.

And then he waited some more, because we realized that it uses a rechargeable battery that requires a minimum of 5 hours to charge. It was a very. very. long. five. hours.

Once the minutes ticked away and the hands on the clock stopped moving backwards, it was time for its maiden voyage. He gingerly carried it to the end of the dock, set it into the water, and...


It took off like a shot! It's a speedy little thing, and he's the envy of all the other kids right now. He even had a passing motorboat slow down to check it out. (He is very proud of this fact. I half wonder if the passing boater wasn't simply concerned about swamping the wee boat).

We're clearly going to need to invest in a second battery though. Every time he has to bring the boat ashore to charge the battery is pure torture for him.

There was a brief period of consternation after it started to misbehave (one of the propellers was cycling on and off, rather than staying on) but they soon diagnosed the problem as "weak battery" and the boat was back in the water.

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