Somehow, while he was standing at the end of the dock peering down into the water, he happened to catch a glimpse of something silver and rectangular on the bottom of the lake in between our two docks. He fetched a fan rake from the garden shed and nudged it along the bottom until it was shallow enough for him to retrieve it.
It has been missing for 8 months and 10 days, committed to the not-so-briney not-very deep. At long last we know what happened to my phone, and I was right Mr. It'll-turn-up-you-don't-need-a-new-phone-cheapie-pants Captain! In. Your. Face! With love: ♥♥♥
(haha... see how I did that? Now he can't get mad at me.)
The Wee Lad wasn't very happy because I promised him that if the missing one turned up and was in good condition, he could have it. About all mine is good for now is acting as a back-up level (Note: the bubble in the LCD).
In case you're wondering, the Captain has the exact same phone. They were both bought at the same time. His has not enjoyed prolonged exposure at the bottom of the lake.
I think the thing that surprised me most about getting the phone was that, once I was able to pry off the battery cover, I was able to remove the tiny micro SD memory card that was in the phone. I plugged it into my card reader tonight when we got home, and I'm able to read it and download all of the pictures that I thought were long gone! After 8 months at the bottom of the lake!
Do they make idiot strings for phones?
For more about the cellphone saga, read here and here.
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