Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Wooden planter boxes part two!

I know I first wrote about these early in June, but I wanted to wait until the fellas were done with the  ♥ shiny new brad nailer ♥ before I put my planter box together.


This was the original plan

And here is the finished box. Not bad Google Sketch Up. Not bad! It looks pretty much just like the drawing!

It's maybe not as perfectly aligned. When I assembled it, I realized I had no square on the property, and had to resort to measuring the diagonals corner-to-corner to ensure they were the same length, and therefore, square. It was a bit of a pain in the bum, really.

In retrospect, the square would've made it a lot faster. I also think it's perhaps a bit tall (could easily have been 18" for the legs, rather than 21" and still would've looked OK. It just would've been a squattier (yes, that's a word) planter.

Next weekend I'll paint it white. It *is* interior-grade pine, so I don't know how long it will last outdoors before it goes punky. Hopefully the paint will slow down some of the weathering.

I'm still not sure where I'll put it though. "On the dock" was the original plan, but there are other planters there now. Maybe outside Slanty? That bunky is drab out front.

Here's a quick  look at the inside.

Sorry for the cruddy photo. It's gone from their website. 
So... can I just say how much I love the air nailer? ♥Love♥

It tacks nails in quickly and easily. The only issues as I see them, are:
  • It's really LOUD when the compressor kicks in.
  • The sproingy (yes, that's a word too) hose that comes with it isn't really long enough to roam very far. This is only an issue if you need to roam very far.
  • It only supports brads up to 2" in length (but honestly, when would I need more than that?)
  • When it blasts the nail into the wood, the force of the air does a little bit of damage to the wood around the nail head as it escapes to the right and left, so if I was making something Fancy, I'd definitely need to be patching the wood and sanding to hide the scars.
Now I really want to build more things, though. For starters, a small side table or two for the porch rockers...and then...ooooohhh. cabinets for my craft room? *insane*

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