Tuesday, January 25, 2011

-27 !?!

The temperature overnight in Peterborough recently was -27 C (-16 for you Fahrenheit folks). And that's before windchill. Holy Hannah that is COLD!

It makes me wonder how our flooring is holding up. Word on da WEEB is that the flooring we installed contracts in extreme cold, possibly causing the joints between floor panels to separate. I hope this isn't what's happening! *bites nails* I need to install a nanny cam so I can spy on the cottage when we're away. We don't have potable water, but we can have some high-tech spy gadgetry! Although, there's nothing I could do if the flooring was falling to bits - I'd just know about it earlier.

If the ice-out date for the lake is similar to last year, we're looking at about 60 more days before the lake begins to clear. Sixty days. That's not long. *twitch*. I can wait 60 paltry days to get back to the cottage *twitch twitch*. We need to start thinking about ceiling materials for the bathroom and living room, and I have a bunch of bathroom sewing to attend to still. In my copious free time. Of which I have none. Ahaha.

Meantime, here are some more photos du jour.

Some SUSHI from last weekend. My mouth waters just looking at this one. I think I'm snackish.

And this is what I packed to leave the house for 2 hours on Friday night. *sigh* You can't even see the gift or the change-of-clothes bag behind the hockey bag! Yuck. The car is really dirty.

And here's my favourite hockey dude, conveniently backlit by a flashlight. Freaky.

Here are a couple of photos of the wee lad actually playing.
And this one...
This photo excites me greatly: a spiffy new telephoto lens! Calloo! Callay!

Did I mention the lad was saving his pennies to buy an iPod Touch? Well, guess who saved enough money. It's vexing that my child has cooler toys than I do.

And here are a couple of photos that he took using his new toy.
And lastly, here's my sleeping cat. The photo-a-day theme of the week is supposed to be "tired" (yes, you can get a list of weekly themes! Aren't the interwebs amazing?). This was the best I could do today.


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