Friday, September 16, 2011

It's Log!

♫ It's Log! It's Log! It's big, it's heavy, it's wood. ♪
♪ It's Log! It's Log! It's better than bad, it's good! ♫

The wood pile on the far side of peaky was starting to lean precariously towards our neighbours' yard.
Rather than have it topple at an inopportune time crushing some wee person playing in the vicinity, Handy Dad and the wee lad set to work relocating it closer to the fire pit.

The wee lad is glad for any chance to wear his work gloves. And look! They match his outfit!

"Hmmm," says the captain, "I wonder why there's a downspout down the side of the building that's not actually anywhere near the eavestrough."

First rule of Hodge Podge Lodge: DON'T ASK WHY. We're still not sure why. I'm trying not to think about it as I write this.

It took many trips with the wheel barrow, but we now have a very safe wood fire-break alongside the fire pit.

Oh, yes.

Very safe.

Big pile of wood, right next to the fire. Oh well,  If it catches, we'll have a spectacular bed of coals for roasting schmallowmallows, and the firepit will be much tidier.

Of course, we'll have no eyebrows left, either, but they'll grow back.

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