Monday, May 10, 2010

All is quiet on the cottage front

All is quiet on the cottage front, unless you count "scheming". I think scheming is generally a quiet activity, provided you can contain the outbursts of maniacal laughter that sometimes accompany it.

This weekend (and next weekend, for that matter) was consumed by dance competition, so we won't be getting much work done around the cottage. I'm still gnawing on the subject of the bathroom though. Scheming, even. Scheming that requires graph paper, a ruler and a pencil. You know it's serious when the graph paper emerges. I started to think "there must be a better way" to scheme, and stumbled upon Google's "Sketch up" 3-D modeling software. There are two things you need to know about Sketch-up:
  1. It's seriously cool.
  2. I can't figure out how to use it.
You have to understand, that's a big admission for me. I can generally noodle my way around any new software, but this one is messing with my head. Maybe it's because I'm doing things in 3-D, but I can't get anything positioned where I want or the size that I want.

I might have to view some tutorials or, *gasp*, read the online help! (no self-respecting technical writer actually reads product documentation. It just isn't done.)

All this to say: I had hoped to show you some bathroom designs and ask for feedback on the merits of each, but as of right now all I've managed to draw is a box with a toilet in it. *insert sound of chirping crickets*

Ya, I'm underwhelmed too.

Maybe when I'm at the dance comp next weekend I can spend some of my free time in the evening poking away at it.

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