I've given you kitchen cupboard updates here and here. But the cupboard doors are now on the cabinets, the walls are painted, and the flooring has been installed. It was a Very Busy Weekend.
And we primed. And we primed. And we primed, primed, Primed, PRIMED!
It probably would've been completed a lot quicker but we had a mid-day drama interruption that occupied 3 of the 4 able-bodied adults for many hours shuttling people to the landing and back and eliminated one of them for the remainder of the weekend.
Get well, Mum!
While we primed and once he got back, Handy Dad worked on installing the kitchen cabinet doors.
On Sunday we painted. All day. Eric started the up-high painting before the cottage heated up a lot.
It was pretty warm out. Hey, there's a rooster thermometer at the cottage? Where is that?
Handy Dad and I ripped up the icky carpet, underpad, tack strip, and metal trim. I think the carpet was the best-installed part of the entire cottage.
The sub floor in that area was in fairly new condition. We only had to sink a few of the screws in further and fill in some of the gaps between the boards.
The kitchen, on the other hand, proved to be considerably more entertaining. You might remember in that area we had peel-n-stick vinyl tile on the floor, and some of the tiles were sticking better than others.
Once removed, these sticky tiles left their stick on the floor, which then stuck to Dad. And he giggled every time. Then R came in and got stuck to the floor. He giggled too.
Dad managed to get up the last of the tiles after being stuck to the floor and giggling several times.
His shoes paid for it, though. It took him over an hour on Monday to scrape the crud from the bottom of his very sticky shoes.
We decided the insanely sticky floor would not be conducive to laying down a floating floor, so Dad slathered a coat of primer over it. It helped considerably,
I finished up just as dinner was hitting the table. While we painted, Dad cut some of the grass (or dandelions depending on whether you're a "glass half empty" kind of person). Then I sent the captain out to relieve him and he cut the rest of the grass because it was stinky hot and gross out.
Shortly after dinner, the kids (Wait. We have kids?! I haven't seen them in days!) came in to inform us there was "a party two doors down" that we had to go to. So, we put work on hold, went and met all of the neighbours, ate some more food, and got back to work around 9 p.m., at which point we started to install the flooring.
We wrapped that up at 12:30 a.m. While the Captain cleaned up the kitchen from dinner, I did some paint touch ups. At 1:00 we staggered in to bed, and by 2:00 I was asleep. I think the phone rang at 8:00 the next morning, but I was asleep.
Here's where things stood when we left this weekend (ignore the ugly couch, it'll be slip covered). Feel free to admire the floor and the walls, though.
The rooms aren't completely done, but they're a million times better than they were! Don't believe me? Right-click and open this link in a new tab. Then click on the photo to the left and toggle between the two tabs.
I can't wait to add the finishing touches!
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