Thursday, May 20, 2010

This is how we roll

So I mentioned needing twin mattresses, yes? Acquiring mattresses is really the least of my concerns. The big issue is how the heck we get them to the island in a boat that's so tippy its balance shifts when you look from right to left! It's not exactly a pontoon boat.

Option A: Try to put the mattress in That Damned Boat ™. It might act as a sail. It might tip us over. Either way, it'll be a tight fit.
Option B: Pay Marvin the martian marvelous to bring the mattresses over (cost: $25).
Option C: Mooch off new neighbours yet again to have the mattresses brought over in their pontoon boat (cost: forever being labelled the island mooch)
Option D: Buy the mattresses at IKEA where they come rolled up in nifty and compact little packages. Ohmygoodnessyes.

Check this out:

Each of these tubes is 12 inches in diameter, about 3-and-a-half feet long, and weighs 20 lbs. They're SULTAN FONNES mattresses from IKEA. And they fit very neatly in the truck, in the boat, and hopefully in the kids' bunk beds!

If they work out well and are even half-way comfortable, we'll be getting the same for our room.

This afternoon I'll be picking up the paint for the bedroom and the livingroom/kitchen. Tomorrow we load up and head to the cottage for our first extended stay: A three-day long weekend with no dance practices. Heaven!

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