Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bunk room progress report

We made some good demolition headway in the bunk room at the back of the cottage this past weekend.

It all started with a late-night cull of the hundred or so 1990s relic VHS tapes in the back dresser.  We kept a few, since there's a VCR integrated with the TV they left behind.
Highlights: Galaxy Quest, Mars Attacks, and Return of the Jedi.
Into the trash: 1991 World Series, Something with Goldie Hawn in it, and Rocky V. Among many others.
The captain insisted on recycling the tape cases. Do gooder!

Once the dresser was emptied we carted it, the mattress, box spring, and bed frame into a bunky for storage. Oh - interesting tidbit we learned this weekend: Apparently Peaky is the original cottage! Who knew.

Once the room was empty it was time to tackle the carpet. The spectacularly heinous red shag carpet. It was very satisfying to cut it up with a utility knife! *hack!* *slash!*
It was... dirty. Ick.
With the carpet out of the way, all that was left was to pull some staples, sweep the floor, vacuum up the ants (I suspect they're living in the wall. Dammit. Now they're dizzy and angry, trapped inside a shop-vac), and wash the walls and trim.

Up next: Paint and flooring! Ooo.. Now that's exciting. The bunk bed is painted and ready to be set up. We still need to pick up some inexpensive twin mattresses though. I'm hopeful that we'll see this room finished and decorated on the May 2-4 long weekend. *fingers crossed*

1 comment:

  1. tip: mattresses are cheap at (1) ikea, and (2) costco.
