Thursday, July 14, 2011


Holy smokes! We've hit 10,000 page views on the blog!

I know some of the traffic is bogus (I highly doubt anyone in Iran is interested in the cottage), but for those of you who legitimately read the posts, and especially for the fervent followers among you,


Sometimes writing for the blog can be a chore (mostly when I'm busy and/or tired), but knowing that I have people checking in every day to see what's what keeps me motivated. If you ever want to see something (I've had a request for a video tour, for instance, which I hope to accommodate sometime this summer), pipe up! Maybe you want more tutorials on some of our projects; more photos of the kids or the lake; how about cottage recipes? Maybe you will dig your eye out with a KFC spork if you see see so much as one more sunset post.

Use the comments section of any post to let me know what you're interested in. I read and relish every comment. Knowing you're there and that you're reading keeps me going.

Again, Thanks!


  1. Can you post some lightening shots taken from your dock? Give you a quarter!

  2. Perhaps I should clarify:
    Any requests that don't put me in grave peril?
