Thursday, July 14, 2011

Garden, day II

Now that I have a spiffy garden bed at the cottage, it's time to grow things in it!


*ring ring* Hello, Weeds? You're not invited to this party. *click*

I received a number of herbalicious gifts from my parents and from cottage guests. We also bought some packets of seeds to plant. I wasn't sure if we had missed the boat on the seeds, since it's already early July, but after looking over the growing charts on the packages, I decided we still had a chance to grow carrots, radishes, and maybe cucumbers (they might not be done in time, but I'm going to chance it.) I set the herbs in the bed to decide how I wanted things set up. The wee lad helped by doing the Sprinkler Dance.

I marked rows for the kids, and had them plant seeds;
the princess planted carrots and
the wee lad planted radishes.

I planted the cucumbers. I half expected to wake up the next morning with a magical cucumber plant that stretched up into the clouds after putting these freaky green seeds in the ground. And yes, my hand is filthy. I'm gardening!  Hush!

I planted my herbs:
Globe Basil
Broadleaf Basil
My bucket o'herbs (basil, oregano, sage, rosemary, and thyme)
and some lettuce (OK... not an herb, strictly speaking).
I also left a spot for my tomato plants that Mom's been holding onto for me.

Then the kids watered everything and the waiting began, along with the hourly garden inspections to see if anything had started to sprout.

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