Sunday, July 31, 2011

♫ Good things Gro-o-ow, in Ontario! ♫

Holy guacamole, look at my garden!!

It's growing like gangbusters! This picture shows plants that are 15 days old.

My folks stopped by the Lodge to water everything for us the weekend that we were away. It's a darned good thing they did, too, because temperatures the following week were craz-zazy! 37°C with humidex that made it feel like 48°C. *wheeze* They also planted the tomato plants that they've been babysitting for me while they waited for me to dig my garden.

I fully expected to return to a garden that was crisp. Not for lack of care on their part, but simply because it was so incredibly hot. There's no way the garden would've survived two weeks with no water or rain.

The big bucket o' herbs was a little parched and my chives were mostly dead (but chives are incredibly hardy, so I'm sure they'll bounce back.). The cucumbers were easily 6" tall, and the radishes were 2-3".

(Celsius and inches? what kind of unit-of-measurement freak am I!?)

Whee! I'm gonna have veggies!

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