Sunday, July 24, 2011

Poor man's bug light

Around this time every summer, the no-see-ums LOSE THEIR MINDS and swarm the windows of the cottage  at night, drawn toward the light.

It's rather disgusting if you have any kind of a bug aversion. Which I do. Thank you very much Shawn McConnell for stuffing a 3" grasshopper down my t-shirt when I was 4.

Contrary to popular opinion, no-see-ums also bite; at least the females do. Bloodsucking midges! I seem to be a tasty treat for all blood-sucking insects.

To thwart the daily bug invasion, I've resorted to various countermeasures. The primary problem, of course, is that the cottage is about as water-tight as a colander. The bugs march in through screens and through cracks around doors and windows. I've tried taping up the cracks, but then they come through the screens. I've trying closing all the windows and pulling all the drapes (this is reasonably effective, however the cottage gets very stuffy if it's warm out).

The last time we were at the cottage, I decided to try eliminating the bait: turn out the lights, and sit in the dark with a single candle lit.

In the dim light I couldn't see if the bugs were swarming the windows or circling the kitchen light (probably a good thing) but the candle acted as buggy beacon, luring in the bebittes before zapping them with a satisfying *snap*. 

It reminded me of the bug light at my grandparent's cottage.
I wonder if you can still get those? Look out, bugs. Your days are numbered.

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