Thursday, July 21, 2011

Call me capricious

Remember the hooks for the cottage? These ones?

You all voted overwhelmingly (all 17 of you) to keep the pegs indoors. Thanks for your contributions.

And like the good listener that I am, I going to be a dink and ignore you completely.

Sorry! Don't hate me!

It's not that I don't value your input. Honest! It's just that I found some hooks in the bunky that fit better in the bathroom - smaller, protruding less into the back of the bathroom door. Not quite as wide... these hooks:

I'm still going to use the shaker pegs, mostly likely in our bedroom, or at the back door if they're too big for the bedroom wall.

The hooks that I found were nice hooks, but they were attached to a natural wood board. Bleh. That won't do.

A coat of paint on the board...
And some spray-paint on the hooks themelves...
And voila! Bathroom hooks!

I'm very pleased with them. It's so nice to be able to hang up your towel after having a shower


Sorry - the fact that there's a cottage shower still makes me a little giddy.


  1. I have those same hooks in my bedroom. (from Ikea, of course) Good choice! xoColey

  2. Thanks Coley! Please don't view this post as ingratitude - I still love your pegs and will use them!
