Sunday, September 5, 2010

Vanity, part II: revenge of the vanity

More work happened on the vanity this weekend.

I wedged myself uncomfortably underneath the counter top so that I could screw in the angle brackets that hold the counter top in place. Really, it's not going anywhere - it weighs a metric tonne - but they keeps it stationary should it decide to go walkabout. Holy smokes, is it ever awkward to screw into this stuff while wedged in the cabinet! Not comfy.

I learned pretty quick that if I removed the sink and prairie dogged in the sink opening, it wasn't half bad.

In addition to anchoring the counter top, the drain and plumbing were connected by the captain with a bit of help from Handy Dad.
They were stymied briefly by the poor water pressure out of both taps, but with some troubleshooting they discovered that the aerator in the faucet was full of lake gunk (it is lake water, after all) we had a free-flowing tap. Look! Running water in the loo! Calloo, Callay!

Which lead to a dribbling leak in the big nut that tightens the bottom rubber gasket onto the base of the sink porcelain.

Arg! Why doesn't anything ever work the first time!?

Dad found time to apply a bead of caulk around the sink so at least it looks good topside. You just can't use it because it leaks.

*much gnashing of teeth*

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