Friday, June 18, 2010

Demolition derby!!

We missed the demolition derby at the fair this year. Boo.

To make up for lost fun, the boys were set loose in the wee master bedroom with a sledgehammer to extricate an unsightly cupboard... thing... that previous owners had built in one corner. The kids were determined to watch, so they were ordered to stand in the opposite corner with their backs glued against the wall. For safety reasons, you know.

The shelf-y cabinet thing used to look like this:

And now it looks like this:

Ahhh. Space.

For the record, the grey-ish coloured wall in the photo is the only section of drywall in the entire cottage. One 4x8 sheet, pretty much. When I see that small section of drywall, the inquisitive side of me asks:
"Why is there dry wall there and nowhere else?"
Presumably because they had to replace the panelling?
"Why did they have to replace the panelling?!"
Water? Ants? Squirrels? Blood splatter?!
And the answers to the questions just spiral somewhere I'm not sure I want to go.

In this photo you can also see the icky underpad out in the hall from the carpeting I ripped out of this room. To the budding CSIs in the crowd, there were no blood stains in the carpet. There was, however, some water damage in one of the corners. I don't know if it predates the newer steel roof or not. It makes me nervous. Anything that has the potential to blow up into a massive and expensive rectification at this point makes me nervous. Water damage is one of those things.

Also, petunia-dwelling rabid doves with long gnashing fangs and crazy eyes. They make me nervous too.

I plan to replace the dismantled shelves of doom with something a bit smaller, but still with adequate storage. Maybe something like this? →

I like that it's white with recessed panels in the doors. But is it too pantry-ish? Certainly the price is right.

I wonder what I can find on Kijiji.....

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