Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wanna come visit?

"Great! Here's what I'd like you to work on. "

My sister, Aunt Mlel, and brother-in-law, Uncle Gleg, came to visit the lodge this past weekend. 
I am, quite possibly, the world's worst hostess. If you pass anywhere close to the Lodge, you get dragged into helping out. I'm generally kind enough to let you pick your poison (I have a lengthy list of options), or you can pull something together yourself.
Uncle Gleg headed under the cottage with a drill and some deck screws to secure the cross-supports on the joists to the hangers on the joists (something the inspector encouraged us to do). Of course, I forgot to photograph that, so you have to imagine him down there with the drill.
I'll wait.
[whistling to herself]
O.K.? Ready to continue?
Aunt Mlel, meanwhile, got creative on me and decided she wanted to take a mop to the icky ceiling soffit in the living room. Really? O.K.! Not going to argue with that one. Here's a mop. Heck. Here are two mops. You need a ladder? How about this one...
What surprised me was how effective a mop and some water were at cleaning up 90% of the crud on the ceiling! We still need to replace it eventually with something more.... ceilingy, but at least now it's a bit cleaner.

Once Uncle Gleg was done under the cottage, he helped out with the macrame electrical we uncovered in the master bedroom.
He re-oriented the pointless junction box, found a cover to put on it, and he went on an archaeological dig in the garden shed to find some wiring staples to tack the wires down properly. It's a bit more presentable now. I found the random assortment of wall studs in that wall entertaining. Check it out (I have a non-flashy version but it's blurry, so you're stuck either way):
At least one of those boards might even be load bearing. [claps hand to cheek]

If you're unwise enough to stray too close to the Hodge Podge work vortex, rest assured, we will feed you.

*Monty Burns is copyright of 20th Century Fox T.V.

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