Tuesday, June 29, 2010

More sawdust

In addition to the two cutie patootie nightstand/bookshelves that I created for the master bedroom, I also slapped together a headboard. Here it is on the deck receiving a coat of paint.

I'm not as happy with this project. It still turned out nicely, but I cheaped out on the wood (no, dear, 'frugal').... I frugalled out on the wood and bought dimensional lumber; i.e./ the kind of stuff used for wall studs and such.

The problem with this wood is, well, it's just not pretty. It's got knots in it, and chunks out of it, and stuff stamped on it, and chew marks from the mill blades, and those darned rounded edges! Surely it takes more effort to produce a board with a rounded edge than a square one!? *sigh* It's also darned near impossible to find a straight board without a cup or wow in it.

All this to say, while it went together moderately easily, I spent a fair bit of time after the fact loading it full of paintable caulking (ALEX, where would I be without you!?) to fill the seams and crevices.

Today's lesson: spend that little bit more for the pretty wood.

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