Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I inherited a great sofa from my Grandma Venne. It has lived in my garage (along with Jimmy Hoffa, a Sasquatch or two, a Chupacabra, and a Basselope) since we moved because I couldn't fit it down the stairs into the basement.

My garage is a scary place.

The couch has seen better days. The cat scratched at one arm of it, the cushions are grungy, and the fabric is "dated" (read: ugly). But it's very, very comfy and it's long enough to sleep on without finding yourself crammed between the armrests. Granted, I'm only 5-ft tall, but it's almost 7-ft long.

I found some "20% off!" coupons for Bed Bath and Beyond last week, and I knew exactly what I was going to use them for:


Here's what Gramma's couch looks like now:

So Sleek. So modern. So not grungy, dated, or cat scratched! The fabric is a very stretchy microfibre and is very, very soft to the touch. I'll need to stitch up a few spots (in particular around the arms) where there's a bit too much fabric. I'm very pleased with the improvement. If I dress it up with a few coordinating toss cushions I think it'll look smashing.

Here's what the arm chair looks like. I didn't want it to be too matchymatchy with the couch (just as well, they were out of matching chair slipcovers). I was expecting to get a blue chair cover, but strangely the green was a better fit with the other colours in the curtains.

This is strange because I don't really like green (this will come as no surprise to a few of you reading). Somehow, more and more green keeps seeping into the cottage. Note the braided rug I picked up at White Feather.


It would appear the Lodge has a mind of its own, and it likes green.

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