Thursday, August 11, 2011

Bathroom ceiling!

We finally installed the ceiling tiles in the bathroom! Calloo! Callay! No more staring up at roof trusses, pink insulation, and the odd (very odd) wasps nest.

In retrospect, staples were totally the way to go. I was initially deterred after I saw how badly the staples worked on the ceiling in the Slanty bunky (which was caving in). But I suspect they used an over-powered air stapler, rather than a less forceful manual. The forceful ones blow the staples clear through the brittle tiles.
Anywho. Since we had already installed the furring strips, mapped out our grid, and determined cut measurements the previous weekend (when we realized installing the tiles with adhesive was simply not going to work), it was a quick start to the installation.
Up the tiles went.

There were some weird cuts that needed to be made to accommodate the sundry corners in the room, but on the whole I'm very pleased with the simplicity and cleanliness of the finished product.


1 comment:

  1. Still can't get any pictures to open....NEEDS PICTURES.....
