Monday, August 22, 2011

Junky Bunky clean up

Dad and the captain started moving some of the junk out of the "junky bunky", in preparation for hauling a lot of it off to the dump.

What a dump.

One of the couches will definitely be going, along with a mattress that may have been acquired at a closing-out sale at the local penitentiary. It weighs a metric tonne.
The uglier couch which may or may not go is a pull-out. This has me torn for two reasons:
1. Pull outs are gosh-darned handy to have and I hate disposing of an extra bed at the cottage.
2. It's damn ugly, and I can't guarantee that it's not inhabited by squirrels. Oh, you think I'm kidding.

I could slip cover it to hide the ugly upholstery, but that makes it tricky to open. I could reupholster it in my copious free time (please note, the Princess's bedroom at home still lacks proper curtains because I haven't found the time yet to sew them.). Maybe purchase a squirrel-free mattress*? Or. *ulp*. I could ditch it.

I'm looking forward to ripping this bunky apart. I like making things better and it has LOTS of room for improvement. I just hope Dr. U wasn't terribly involved in its construction.

*while I suspect squirrels may have taken up residence, I have nothing to support this theory apart from some cleverly stashed acorns.

1 comment:

  1. Let the pull-out go.
    Get this one:

    xo Coley
